Daily Yoga Routine: 15-minutes of daily yoga routine for beginners

Daily Yoga Routine: 15 minutes of daily yoga routine for beginners

This is 15 minutes daily yoga routine for beginners. With gyms and offices being shut down during this spread of COVID-19, this daily yoga routine for beginners is focused on utilizing your precious time into a higher purpose of learning yoga. These practices will surely help you to strengthen your immune system and fight the coronavirus.

If you have never practiced any of the yogic postures and breathing exercises before then these beginner's yoga practices should be your daily routine to get you started with this divine practice.  The daily practices of these yogic practices will help you to channelize your energies into something beautiful and boost our immunity and help us to stay happy in the long run.

Let just get started with the article. One more thing before we get started its article is not just to read but to follow along.

daily yoga routine for beginners

What you need to get started with yoga

Every morning after you have woken up add your morning glass of water, go freshen up and get ready to practice yoga preferably outside without eating anything. All you would need is a yoga mat and an open mind to start with. Yoga mat preferably made of cotton or you can also use a towel or a bedsheet. It is important to prevent the earthing of the energy that gets generated in the process. Just as you warm-up before starting any exercises even here we will do a light warm-up.

Warm-up or Sukshma Vyayam

  • Stand straight facing east. Starting from the toe and moving rhythmically up we will look at all the joints.
  • Move your toe thrice clockwise and thrice anticlockwise. 
  • Next, kick 5 times with each leg. You need not push yourself too much. Just do as much as your body is comfortable with it. 
  • Now bend your knees a little and rotate them 5 times in each clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Doing this slight warmup will release excess air trapped in your joints making them more agile.
  • Moving up to the waist rotate it in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Practice these with a positive mindset and with a smile on your face.
  • Next, we will exercise the joints of our hands.  Rotate fists in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions 5 times. This is a simple and yet powerful exercise to strengthen your gripping.
  • Moving on to the shoulders. Stretch your hands on either side and then bend them to touch the shoulders. Again stretch your hands and touch your shoulders. Practice this first in the sideways direction and then towards the front. Practice this for 5 times in each direction. 
  • Moving to the neck. Look to your left, look to your right, look up and look down. Now slowly rotate your neck in the clockwise direction. Do it 3 times. Now rotate it in the opposite direction. Feel the tension released off your neck muscles, it's very relaxing. 
  • Similarly, exercise your eyes. Move your eyeballs in the left, right, up and down directions. Then rotate your eyeballs in the clockwise and then anticlockwise direction. Do this for 10 times. 

So that's complete the warm-up. This helps to circulate blood in all parts of your body proportionally. Now let's move on to our main yoga exercises routine.

Daily Yoga Routine For Beginners

1. Surya Namaskar

Now let's do the Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation. A powerful yogic practice combining 12 asanas which stimulates the sun's energy within you. It is also a prayer of gratitude towards the sun, the source of life on the planet.

Steps involved in Surya Namaskar:
  • Pranamasan( The Prayer Pose): Bring your palms together in front of your chest and stand in a prayer position.
  • Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose): Breathing in, lift the arms up and back, keeping the biceps close to the ears.
  • Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend): Breathing out, bend forward from the waist keeping the spine erect. As you exhale completely, bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet.
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose): Breathing in, bring the right foot forward in between the two hands. The left knee goes down on the floor.
  • Dandasana (Stick pose): As you breathe in, take the left leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line.
  • Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points): Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back slightly, slide forward, rest your chest and chin on the floor. Raise your posterior a little bit. The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest and chin (eight parts of the body) should touch the floor.
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): Slide forward and raise the chest up into the Cobra pose.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose): Breathing out, lift the hips and the tailbone up to bring the body into an inverted ‘V’ pose.
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose): Breathing in, bring the right foot forward in between the two hands. The left knee goes down on the floor.
  •  Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend): Breathing out, bring the left foot forward. Keep the palms on the floor. You may bend the knees, if necessary.
  • Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose): Breathing in, roll the spine up. Raise the hands up and bend backward a little bit, pushing the hips slightly outward.
  • Tadasana (Mountain pose): As you exhale, first straighten the body, then bring the arms down. Relax in this position and observe the sensations in your body.

2. Pawanmukt Asana

Pawanmukta Asana is a very powerful yoga practice for beginners. Keep your arms beside your body with palms facing upwards. Bring both your legs together. Bend your knee and try to bring it close to your chest. Bend the neck and place the chin on the knees. Continue to maintain the asana, breathing normally. It is a powerful asan for your digestive system. The pressure on the abdomen releases any trapped gases in the large intestine and improves blood circulation to all the internal organs.

3. Markat Asana

Fold your both legs and the knees and keep them near your hip. Spread both hands at the level of your shoulders and turn your knees towards the right side while keeping your neck to the left side. Hold this position for 10 seconds and breathe normally. Now slowly come back to your previous position then move your knees towards your left while the neck towards your right. Hold this position for a few seconds. Any level of back pain this is the best exercise. Now come back to the initial position slowly stretching your knees down and relax.

4. Nauka Asana

Moving on to the Nauka asana. The boat pose is highly efficient in reducing the belly fats toning your abs. Keeps your arms straight while lying down. Start inhaling and as you exhale lift your feet off the ground. Now stretch your arms towards your feet, feel the tension in your stomach area as the abdominal muscle contracts. Let the weight of your body rests entirely on your buttock. Hold your breath and remain in this position for a few seconds. Now exhale slowly as you bring your body to the initial position and relax.

5. Aum Chant

Now we have completed the posture exercises specially designed for a modern lifestyle. Now let's do breathing exercises. Sit down in padmasana posture. The back should be straight, neck straight and have a smile on your face. We will start with chanting AUM three times. Close your eyes and focus in between your eyebrows. Deep breath in and slowly breathes out chanting AUM. AUM is not related to a particular religion but it is a sound of the universe. Do the AUM chanting for about 40 seconds.

6. Bhastrika Pranayam

Sit in the same position. Deep inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. Do not breathe out from your mouth. Bhastrika Pranayam surges the flow of air in your body and reduces the heat at both your physical and subtle levels. With every inhalation feel as if positivity is flowing inside your body and with every exhalation feel as if toxins and negativity are being pushed away. It instantly energies the entire body and calm the mind.

7. Kapalbhati or rapid exhalation

Remain seated in the same position and close the eyes. Exhale the breath with the forceful contraction of the abdominal muscles. This is among the most powerful yogic exercises. Make sure to exhale through the nose and not the mouth. Just keep exhaling. 60 outward strokes are ideal for beginners. Slowly you can increase it to 70-80. Kapalbhati rejuvenates the whole body and keeps the face young and vibrant. It also tones up the digestive system. Had a heavy dinner the last night don't forget to do Kapalbhati the next morning. Do it for at least 2 minutes. 

8. Agnisaar

Sit straight and inhale a deep breath through your nose and exhale completely through your nose. Now contract and expand the stomach as many times as you can. 10 times is a good number. If you are facing any digestive issues Agnisaar is what you should definitely do. Do it 5 times and that's good for a start.

9. Anulom Vilom

Next is Anulom Vilom. Close your eyes and be in Dhyan mudra.
  • Using the right thumb, block the right nostril. 
  • Inhale through the left nostril for 2 seconds. 
  • Now block both nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. 
  • Keep the left nostril blocked and release the right nostril. 
  • Exhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. 
  • Now inhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. 
  • Block both the nostrils and hold the breath for 4 seconds. 
  • Keep the right nostril blocked and release the left nostril. 
  • Exhale for 2 seconds from the left nostril. 
  • Block both the nostrils.
  •  Hold the breath in suspension for 2 seconds. 
  • This completes one single round.

Last but not the least, to conclude this yoga routine close your eyes and lie down in savasana for a minute. It's like cooling down the body. Be proud of yourself for completing this yoga session. Pledge to remain cheerful all day long. 

Well done! You have completed this yoga session.
Daily Yoga Routine: 15-minutes of daily yoga routine for beginners Daily Yoga Routine: 15-minutes of daily yoga routine for beginners Reviewed by Ashutosh kumar on April 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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