5 Home remedies to boost Immune system Naturally

5 Home remedies to boost the Immune system Naturally 

Immunity is the natural capability of our body's multicellular organisms to prevent the multicellular organisms from entering our body. Feeding the right food and doing some exercises helps to keep our body immune system strong. If you are wondering whether you have a weak immune system or not here are the best possible ways to check.

Signs of a weak immunity system

Some best ways to check a weakened immune system:

  • If you frequently suffer from winter cold and flu.
  • If you have digestive issues.
  • If you are always feeling tired.
  • If you suffer from a sinus infection.
  • If you get a frequent fungal infection.
The above symptoms are very common and if you show any of the above symptoms then you may have a weak immune system.  

While the pharmaceutical markets provide many medicines and drugs to boost your immunity but that might not help you in the long run. Some of the best ways to boost your immunity that you can do yourself are by eating well, getting enough rest, keeping your gut healthy, and managing stress. Simple changes in your diet and your regular activities can help strengthen your immune system over time. Go on reading the article to know the best natural methods to boost your immune system.

5 ways to boost your immune system naturally

1. Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, an Indian Ayurvedic herb whose properties are so powerful that it has been nicknamed as "Indian Ginseng". The ayurvedic herb is so powerful that it has been in use since ancient times as a natural healing substance. Daily consumption of Ashwagandha can strengthen your immune system because its healing properties can relieve stress, improve concentration and is said to increase energy levels.

Consumption of Ashwagandha also helps to increase testosterone, strength and improve the reproductive health of men. 

How to consume Ashwagandha? 

For maximum benefits and to instantly boost your immune system pour a tablespoon of Ashwagandha powder into a glass of milk and then drink it. The best time to have this drink is at night before sleep. For those people who have a problem digesting milk, they can use a glass of hot water instead of milk.

Ingredients you need:

  • A glass of hot milk or water.
  • A tablespoon of Ashwagandha powder.

2. Giloy

Giloy another powerful Indian herb which is also known as "Amrita" which literally translates into "The root of immortality". There are unlimited incredible benefits of consuming Giloy. This powerful ancient herb is beneficial in curing chronic fever, digestion problems and boosting immunity. 

The ayurvedic herb is full of antioxidants that help to remove the toxins, purifies the blood and fight the harmful bacteria. The antioxidants present in Giloy keeps the cells healthy and strengthen the immune system.

Giloy, rich in its medicinal properties also helps to lower the blood sugar levels. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of respiratory diseases

How to consume Giloy?

For maximum benefits and results use one tablespoon of Giloy powder in lukewarm water and drink it. The best time to have this immunity booster drink is in the morning when your stomach is empty. Its healing properties are also worth treating dengue, swine flu, and malaria as well. One can get rid of chronic fever with the daily consumption of Giloy.

Ingredients you need:

  • Giloy powder
  • Lukewarm water

3. Mint Drink

mint leaves benefits to immune system

Mint leaves are a popular ingredient that is widely used in several foods and beverages. It has also been widely used in drinks and salads. Besides providing a cooling sensation and rich flavor to our favorite dishes, these leaves also come with many health benefits if properly consumed. These mint leaves contain calories, vitamins, fiber and minerals in an optimal amount that makes it an ideal candidate for boosting health and strengthening immunity.

The mint leaves due to its cooling properties help to the problem of irritable digestive tract disorders. Digestive issues such as indigestion problems and stomach gas problems are easily treated with the consumption of the mint drink.

It's super easy to use and is said to improve brain function due to the beautiful aroma of the leaves. 

How to make the Mint Drink?

Mint drink is super easy to make. This is one such soft drink that makes your immune system stronger. Simply add a glass of water in a pan, add half teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Mix it and boil it for two minutes. Now add 15-20 mint leaves in the mixture and further boil it 2-3 minutes. Pour the drink in a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey in it. Allow the mixture to cool a bit and the drink is now ready to be consumed. 

To strengthen your immunity replace tea with this immunity booster drink once in a day.

Ingredients you need:
  • Mint leaves(10-15 leaves)
  • 500 ml of water
  • Half teaspoon of Tumeric powder. 
  • one teaspoon of Honey

4. Turmeric

turmeric benefits to immune system

Turmeric, the ultimate spice, widely used in Indian cooking, gives an instant boost to the immune system because of its antioxidant, inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. This spice may be the only effective nutritional supplement in existence that can instantly make you stronger from inside. Its medicinal properties are so effective that it matches the properties of some artificial drugs. 

Its antioxidant properties are so much appreciated that its consumption can help you to get a lower risk of heart diseases. Researchers have also found that turmeric powder is also effective to increase the efficiency of brainpower. If you are also looking for something that can make you smarter turmeric should be the first option. 

Studies have shown that it can also treat cancer, the deadly disease and inhibit the growth of tumors. Being a naturally available substance this spice should be added in your diet if you are dead serious about your health. 

How to consume the Turmeric?

Simply add Turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk and you are done.

For maximum benefits consume this drink before going to bed. Only in a few weeks, you will start feeling healthier than ever.

This drink will not only make your immune system stronger but will also make your digestive system stronger and help improve signs of depression.

Ingredients you need:
  • A glass of hot milk.
  • One tablespoon of turmeric powder.

5. Amla

Amla is rich in vitamin C. And Vitamin C is the ultimate vitamin to reduce the immune system deficiencies. Also known as Indian Gooseberry, Amla is rich in nutrients and contains essential vitamins and minerals. Daily consumption of Amla keeps you away from the most common and widespread diseases. Amla helps in keeping you young by solving problems of skins, hair and immune system. 

Being an excellent source of vitamin C it helps to prevent viral and bacterial infections. It also helps to solve eyesight problems. It has multi-fold health properties and is an effective natural way to make your immune system stronger. 

Vitamin C in amla protects you from the harmful effects of free radical and boost your immune system to fight bacterial and viral infections. If you have any doubt about amla remember that one amla contains as much Vitamin C as in 20 oranges.

How to consume Amla?

One Amla a Day, keeps the infection away. Amla can be consumed in the following ways:
  • Juice
  • Pickle, or
  • raw

Some more health tips:

Of course, you need not try all of these home remedies at the same time. Pick any one of the above remedies of your choice and practice it regularly for a month or two. You will clearly see the results coming your way. 

It is also advisable to maintain a healthy and balanced diet with the mentioned remedies. Do not forget to add seasonal fruits on a daily basis. Sit in the sunlight for 10-15 minutes during morning to get the maximum amount of Vitamin D. 

Exercise regularly, minimize the intake of junk foods and high sugar sources, drink enough water to flush out the toxins and restrict yourself from taking any type of intoxicant.

Of course, the immune system weakens with age however following these home remedies and tips you can be sure of an extra-strong immune system that will be required for a healthy life.

5 Home remedies to boost Immune system Naturally 5 Home remedies to boost Immune system Naturally Reviewed by Ashutosh kumar on March 26, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. Ashwagandha, Amla are really powerful herbs in Ayurveda for immunity. For boosting immunity you can try some supplements made with herbs like immunity herbal supplements.

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